Chair’s Brief - External Affairs and Additional Legislation Committee

Meeting Venue: Committee Room 4 - Tŷ Hywel

Meeting date: 15 March 2021

Meeting time: 14.00


For Introductions section…

At the beginning of the item:

-     welcome Members to the meeting of the External Affairs and Additional Legislation Committee;

-     explain the meeting is bilingual – headphones can be used for simultaneous translation from Welsh to English (on channel 1) or for amplification (on channel 0);

-     remind people to turn off their mobile phones and any other electronic equipment that may interfere with broadcasting equipment;

-     let people know that in the event of a fire alarm, directions from the ushers should be followed;

-     ask if any Members wish to declare an interest;


Handling suggestion



At the end of the item:




1       Introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest



At the beginning of the item:



Handling suggestion



At the end of the item:





2       Food and feed safety and hygiene provisional common framework - consideration of draft output


Attached Documents:
Draft correspondence

At the beginning of the item:



Handling suggestion



At the end of the item:





3       Consideration of international agreements


Attached Documents:
Free Trade Agreement between the UK and Turkey
UK-Norway Air Services, UK-Iceland Air Services and SKAO

At the beginning of the item:



Handling suggestion



At the end of the item:





4       Intergovernmental relations - consideration of draft correspondence


Attached Documents:
Draft correspondence

At the beginning of the item:



Handling suggestion



At the end of the item:





Next Meeting

The Committee will next meet on



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